Friday 3 February 2012

More Raptors

This time we managed to connect with the Raptor Festival near Petchaburi.  Despite there being loud music belting out 'Country Roads' and hits by, very appropriately, The Eagles, there were loads of birds of prey in the area.  Good views of Steepe Eagle, another Imperial Eagle,  dark phase Booted Eagle and a couple of surprises, two Black-headed Ibis over and a Watercock on a nearby flooded rice paddy.

The local teachers enjoying letting their hair down with some performances of Thai favourites.  Their students watched with obvious admiration and were later brought up to be presented to us to practise their English.  It's not all beer and sandwiches being a student you know.
Two Black-headed Ibis were drawn to the sound of Neil Young's After the Gold Rush and, not being able to believe their ears, came to have a closer look.
This Steepe Eagle gave some good views.

As did this dark phase Booted Eagle.  At one point it folded its wings back and plunged like a stone towards the ground causing the local bird population to scatter in panic.  Had me going as well!

This week's winner of the Hide and Seek prize is this Watercock.

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