Sunday, 27 November 2011

Some bird pictures of recent sightings.

I have decided since I am so rubbish at writing anything on this blog I'll just post bird pictures instead.  Here is a selection of the best of the past eight months.
 Dark-sided Flycatcher
 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
 Small Minivet
Pied Fantail in the garden

Male Plaintive Cuckoo

Thick-billed warbler in Rama ix park

Immature Crow-billed Drongo in the garden off Soi Bearing

Limestone Wren Babbler at Hellfire Pass

Female Blue-throated Flycatcher at Hellfire Pass

Male Kalij Pheasant At Keang Krachan

Red-throated Bee Eater at Keang Krachan

Blue-winged Pitta at Keang Krachan (Ban Maka)

 Black-naped Oriole in the garden today
 Vineous-breasted Starling also in the garden today.