Sunday, 14 October 2012

Leam Pak Bia 13 th and 14th October 2012

This weekend Eunice and I went down to Leam Pak Bia again. The weather seemed really hot and the mosquitoes were awful, taking great lumps out of Neil.  Despite this we managed some decent birding.  On Saturday morning the Abandoned Buildings Neil managed to turn up 2 Ruff and a
Sanderling but despite a sustained sea watch of a couple of hours, the sea remained very quiet.  In the afternoon we went to Pak Thule and there were huge numbers of Curlew, Whimbrel and Great Knot.  Neil also photographed this Little Stint.
In the evening we went to watch the roost at The King's Project.  Black Drongo numbers had started to build but the Mynas were taking a different route in the mangroves.  We did have a brief view of a male Painted Snipe shoot from the reed bads to the scrape.
On today (Sunday) I had my first Dusky Warbler of the winter before we looked at the Abandoned Buildings once more and came across this immature Rosy Starling beside the rubbish tip.
Later in the day and back up the coast, at Pak Thule, we came across a single Heuglin's Gull, about 15 Crested Terns, a couple of Caspian Terns and a smattering of Gull-billed Terns as well as a Terek Sandpiper.    

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Thailand September 2012. Khlong See Yat and Leam Pak Bia

It was great to get back to Thailand  birding although I enjoyed both UK and USA.  A trip to the east of Bangkok took us to a very promising area around Khoa Ang Ruenai next to which is reservoir called Khlong See Yat.  At this location there were numerous Oriental Skylark, Oriental Pratincole,  Lesser Whistling Duck and huge numbers of Egrets.  We arrived at the wrong time of the day but it was still full of birds and more time would produce great results I am sure.  Unfortunately we could find a hotel of any kind so will have to have another exploratory day.  If anyone knows of anywere please let me know. The forests around Khoa Ang Ruenai looked promising too with lots of Blue-throated Bee Eater  and a reasonable smattering of the expected birds.

A view of the Khlong See Yat
We counted at least 25 Blue-throated Bee Eater.
There was also a flock of Grey-rumped Treeswift that flew over in the evening.
Two weeks ago we went over to Leam Pak Bia and had a very successful few days.  The star bird was Great Thicknee but there was a good supporting cast with 2+ Asian Dowitcher, lots of Terek Sandpiper, Temminck's Stint, Purple-backed Starling and a flock of eight Spot-billed Pelicans. 
Great Thicknee
Malaysian Plover
Asian Dowitcher with one of twenty Bar-tailed Godwit
Purple-backed Starling
Spot-billed Pelican
Adult and immature Brown shrikes battling it out on the rubbish tip.  the fight was surprisingly long-lasting and violent but both birds seemed unharmed 

America 2012

At last a post.  Here are a few pictures from our American holiday.  We stayed in San Francisco  for most of the time but had a few great days by Lake Tahoe.

American Robin
Downy Woodpecker
Long-billed Curlew
Red-winged Blackbird
Black-footed Albatross 
Great Horned Owl       
Brown Pelican           
Surf Scoter               
Elegant Tern    
Heerman's Gull
Tufted Puffin seen from a pitching boat on a trip to the Falleron Islands.  Not everyone enjoyed the experience.
Back on dry land with a Stellar's Jay 
Lazulli Bunting
Nashville Warbler
Hairy Woodpecker
Broad-tailed sunbird.
Western Tanager
American Goldfinch
Heerman's Gull
Surf Scoter
This is just a selection.  Both Eunice and I enjoyed our time in USA and would like to return again at some point as there is still so much to see.