Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary

Saturday 23rd to Monday 25th February 2013

This was our second visit to this fascinating reserve, which is located 2 1/2 hours due east of Bangkok.  Last time (September 2012) it was large numbers of Blue-throated Bee-eaters that created interest, but floods causing an impassable stream, resulted in us turning round before travelling more than 5 km.  This time there was no such problem and we were able to press on a further 15 km into the forest.  Highlights included:

Oriental Cuckoo

Silver-backed Needletail

Green Imperial Pigeon

White-throated Rock Thrush

Mountain Hawk Eagle

Banded Broadbill

at least 15 Siamese Flamebacks

Mammals included:

Pileated Gibbon

Red Muntjac