Sunday, 12 May 2013

Kaeng Krachan 4th to 6th May 2013

Eunice's birthday and a long holiday weekend gave us the excuse to take a trip to our favourite reserve - Kaeng Krachan - Thailand's largest National Park.  As always it didn't disappoint and we clocked over 110 species in 2 1/2 days.  At this time of year the pittas are holding territory and broadbills are particularly easy to see as they visit their pendular nests over the track.  There is also a chance of finding the odd migrant, last year we had Tiger Shrike and this year it was Ferruginous Flycatcher (km 35).  The forests are alive with bird call.  Cuckoos were particularly vociferous with a number of Drongo Cuckoo and an Indian Cuckoo calling.  At this time of year many of the birds are nesting and easy to see. Other interesting sightings were Rachet-tailed Treepie, Red-bearded Bee-eater, Black-thighed Falconet and Banded Kingfisher.  The birds lasted to the very end as a splendid Black Eagle flew only metres away from us as we left the park    The surprise bird of the weekend was a pair of Crested Jay at stream 3 in the evening.

 The distinctive chattering call of Crested Jay can be heard on this recording.
Female Banded Kingfisher
 Male Banded Kingfisher.

 Hooded Pitta.
 Ferruginous Flycatcher
 Red-bearded Bee-eater
 Rachet-tailed Treepie. 
 A couple of Black-thighed Falconets passing food to each other.
 A pair of Black and Red Broadbills at approximately km 13
Black Eagle.  This bird was being mobbed by a drongo as it slowly lifted into the air.